Ball powder and the same propellant used in Winchester’s Super Handicap ammunition are simply called Winchester Super Handicap. This high-energy, slow-burning propellant allows for 1-1/8-ounce shot charges to travel at up to 1250 feet per second, making them ideal for use in handicap or long-range sporting clays. Exceptional quickness and beautiful recurring forms!
Available in 1 lb. and 8 lb. containers.
Different types of hulls, such as the Win AA hull and the Fed Top Gun hull, have varying amounts of space available to the ship’s crew. Walls can be either straight or tapered. If you want to have success, it’s best to keep them apart and load them with different recipes. In addition, when using a Fed hull, it’s best to stick with wads made specifically for that shape. If you insist on using Win wads in a Fed hull, make sure to load them with coarse grain powder and fire in the proper direction. The powder can escape the wad if the hulls are shaken vigorously.
You may as well be dropping powder from the loader if you use Lee measuring dippers. Find yourself a weight scale! It’s possible that your powder has a different density than the one Lee used.
I know you are itching to get going, so if you put a load on the low end of the range given, you can get moving right away. Both the 1 oz and 1 1/8 oz low velocity recommendations seem reasonable.
The Winchester AA and Super Speed have what are called “tapered” hulls, which means that the inner diameter of the tube decreases from the top to the bottom. To achieve this taper, the Winchesters use a plastic basewad in the shape of a cup. Tapered hulls aren’t unique to Remington Gun Club and STS/Nitro; hulls from these manufacturers use the same dimensions but are molded in a single piece.
The Top Guns have a flat, rolled hard paper basewad, while the Federals are “straight-wall” (SW) hulls; both have the same internal diameter from mouth to base.
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